Character formation

Being Men of Character

Hodari’s Character Formation Program gives students the practical, intellectual and moral foundations to be men of character. Through a combination of classes, video clips, reading sessions, discussion and one-on-one mentoring, this program addresses the challenges they will encounter along their way to maturity. Ultimately, it is aimed at encouraging them to develop even now the skills and attitudes they will need for the great tasks awaiting them: forming a family, developing friendships with neighbors and God, becoming competent professionals and serving society through their work.

Those who manage to attend all sessions will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. Over & above the certificate, those who in the course of the year are noted to put into practice the habits taught in the program will receive a Certificate of Merit or a special pennant award from the Hodari directors at the end of the year.


Mentoring is part & parcel of the Character Program. Each student is assigned a mentor who will meet individually with him. The mentor helps the student make practical goals based on the material presented in the character formation sessions.

Introduction to High School Series

(Form 1 or Grade 9)

This part of the Character Program aims to help students adapt to high school life. Each talk addresses an important area of the students’ life and helps them see how their choices and actions can impact their future.

Date: Topic Covered

  • Mar: High Ideals for High School
  • Apr: Virtuous vs. Virtual Reality
  • May: Time Management
  • Jun: Studiousness
  • Jul: Manners Maketh Man (I)
  • Aug: Careers
  • Sept: Authentic Friendships
  • Oct: Holidays
  • Nov/Dec: Graduation and Award Ceremony

Maturity Series

(Form 2 or Grade 10)

The Maturity Series is a monthly series of sessions intended to help adolescents segue into adulthood. 15/16 year olds are already young adults. What they are at this age is a miniature version of what they will be in later years. This series will also help them develop the skills and attitudes they need to be effective in school, university and later on as family men, friends, professionals, and citizens.

 Date: Topic Covered

  • April: Character: The Big Picture
  • May: Scale of Maturity
  • June: Am I a Leader?
  • Jul: Financial Responsibility
  • Aug: Manners Maketh Man (II)
  • Sep: Responsible Citizenship
  • Oct: Freedom and Leisure
  • Nov/Dec: Award Ceremony

Schedule for FI & 2 Students

  • 5:15-5:30: Arrival
  • 5:30-5:55: Birthdays of the Month Celebration
  • 6:00-6:30: Talk
  • 6:35-7:15: Work Session
  • 7:15-7:30: Departure

Career Friday Series

 (For F3s & 4s or Grades 11 & 12)

High school is the ideal time to begin thinking about career interests. Hodari’s Career Friday Series is the last part of our Character Formation Program. It serves to remind students that a strong character is ultimately meant to be put at the service of others. Students become aware of the various ways that they can serve society and support their families in the future and are also encouraged to take their studies seriously as preparation for a challenging and fruitful career.

Career Fridays aim at introducing students to diverse career paths through a series of presentations by leading professionals. Speakers address the schooling and preparation needed for their field, the daily duties and activities they encounter and the interesting challenges and opportunities that arise in their line of work. The Career Friday Series follows a two-year cycle which explores the various career possibilities that a student can take up in the worlds of science, humanities and arts and sports.

Every Career Friday get-together is preceded by a talk on character development. Included in the talk is a work session which contains an interactive activity that stresses analytical thinking, communication, and teamwork – all of which are essential features for success in university and the workplace.

Year 1   (Even Years)                                       Year 2 (Odd Years)

Sciences (STEM)

Feb: Engineering                                              Feb: Information Technology

Mar: Actuarial Science                                   Mar: Medicine 

Humanities & Languages

May: Law                                                             May: Economics & Finance

July: Journalism                                                July: Translation and Interpretation

Arts and Sports

Sep: Architecture                                             Sep: Photography

Oct: Design/Art                                                 Oct: Entertainment/Sports

Schedule for F3 & 4 Students

  • 5:30: Arrival
  • 5:45: Character Talk & Work Session
  • 7:00: Dinner
  • 7:40: Visit to the Blessed Sacrament
  • 7:45: Career get-together begins
  • 8:45: Self-Evaluation
  • 9:00: End

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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